Katsutoshi Grand House also known as Center Point Da Nang, is a prestigious residential project situated in the heart of Da Nang City, Vietnam. This landmark development offers a prime location in Hai Chau District, surrounded by government offices, schools, hospitals, and entertainment venues, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a convenient and vibrant lifestyle.
Katsutoshi Grand House caters to a wide range of needs, from comfortable living and rental opportunities to lucrative investment prospects. The project features a condotel model, a popular investment and vacation trend that is gaining traction in Da Nang. The project promises to deliver high-end apartments that offer residents a luxurious living experience in the heart of Da Nang’s bustling metropolis.
- Size/Area:
– Construction area: 1,350 m2
– Total floor area: 21,000 m2
- Product: Flamebar BW11
- Completed: Năm 2023