Technical Data
ASTM C1728: Type IV, Grade 1A
160 - 240 kg/m³
Max service temperature
-196°C to +250°C
Thermal Conductivity
0,021 (W/m.K) tại 24°C
Linear shrinkage under soaking heat
< 2% in width and length
Water absorption
Maximum 8%
Fire Characteristics
FSI < 25 and SDI < 50
International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
Compliant ti IMO Part 2 (smoke generation and toxicity) / Compliant to IMO Part 5 (surface flammability)
Compressive strength
> 5 psi/ 34.5 kPa at 10% compression
Corrosiveness of steel
Passed acc.To ASTM C1617
Fugal resistance
No growth
ArmaGel DT Insulation
Introduce ArmaGel DT
ArmaGel DT is a flexible aerogel insulation blanket. ArmaGel DT is intended for use in cryogenic and cyclic operating conditions between -196°C (-321°F) and +250ºC (+482ºF). The product is suitable for use in multi-layer applications with other insulation products including ArmaSound® Industrial Systems.
Advantage of Armagel DT
Thermal insulation/protection of pipes, vessels and ducts (including elbows, fittings, flanges, etc.) in cryogenic, offshore, industrial (typically oil and gas) and process equipment facilities. ArmaGel DT is also used as a component of ArmaSound Industrial Systems to provide acoustic insulation on industrial pipework and vessels, ensuring the reduction of sound transmission.
Application for insulation of cold pipes
About Armacell
As the inventors of flexible foam for equipment insulation and a leading provider of engineered foams, Armacell develops innovative and safe thermal, acoustic and mechanical solutions that create sustainable value for its customers. Armacell’s products significantly contribute to global energy efficiency making a difference around the world every day.
With 3,135 employees and 24 production plants in 16 countries, the company operates two main businesses, Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams. Armacell focuses on insulation materials for technical equipment, high-performance foams for high-tech and lightweight applications and next-generation aerogel blanket technology.
Contact TCBM at hotline 0911 771 551 for advice and quotation.